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Regatta Fionn Trá: 14th July/Iúil


The Ventry Regatta/Regatta Fionn Trá is an annual family fun day, taking place in beautiful Ventry village and beach. .

Activities include the thrilling Naomhóg regatta from the pier, while on the beach there are many fun family activites, including sports, horse shoe throwing competition, sandcastle building, long kick competition, extempore poetry and making art from objects found on the beach on the Sunday, as well a family treasure hunt and pub quiz on the Saturday.

Beidh an regatta naomhóga, spoirt clainne, feis rince, togáil caisleáin, cic fada agus caitheamh cruite ar siúl Dé Domhnaigh. Beidh an tóir ciste agus tráth na gceist ar siúl ar an Satharn. Mar is gnáth, beidh béim ar an gclann insna h-imeachtaí agus beimid ag súil le dea-aimsir arís i mbliana.

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