The Great Blasket Island remains uninhabited today, but visitors can travel by ferry over to this remote and wildly beautiful place and spend several hours or all day marvelling at its natural beauty and what remains of years of the abandoned houses and village.
Ferries depart from Dunquin Pier, Ventry Pier and from Dingle daily. Passengers are transferred to a RIB (rigid-inflatable boat) once the ferry gets close to the island, as there are no adequate landing facilities for a larger vessel
There are also Eco and Marine Life Blasket Island tours which depart from Dunquin Pier on the Slea Head peninsula, Ventry Pier or Dingle Harbour each day and take you on a tour around the coast of the Blasket Islands where you may see Seals, Dolphins, Basking sharks and a variety of birds.
In the 1920s and 1930s the Blasket Island writers produced books which are deemed classics in the world of literature. They wrote of Island people living on the very edge of Europe, and brought to life the topography, life and times of their Island. They wrote all of their stories in the Irish language.
The inhabitants were evacuated by the government to the mainland on 17 November 1953 because of the declining population and harsh nature of life on the island.
The Blasket Centre / Ionad an Bhlascaoid Mhóir in Dún Chaoin celebrates the story of the Blasket Islanders, the unique literary achievements of the island writers and their native language, culture and tradition.