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Diving on the Dingle Peninsula

"Some of the best diving in the world is at the northern side of the Dingle Peninsula where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Brandon mountains"   Jacques Cousteau

The Dingle Peninsula juts out into the powerful Atlantic Ocean and has a varied and heavily indented coastline that creates a great location for temperate water diving. The dramatic coast of cliffs and mountains is mirrored underwater with sheer rock faces, steep drop offs and colourful walls.

The water temperature off the Dingle Peninsula is moderated by the warming Gulf Stream, while nutrient rich water is ideal for a profusion of marine life. Diving is possible all year round with an average water temperature of 9 -10°C in the winter and spring months, and an average of 14 -15°C during the summer and autumn.

The ocean surrounding the Dingle Peninsula is teeming with life. Spider crabs and hermit crabs, anemones, sponges, pollock, urchins and starfish, conger eels, octopus, scorpion fish, thornback ray and lobster are some of the many species you might meet on a dive. Divers also report close encounters with larger creatures such as seals, dolphins and basking shark.

There are a few good wreck sites suitable for diving but local knowledge is advisable.

Finn Melon

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Diving on the Dingle Peninsula