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Marine Wildlife Tours on the Dingle Peninsula

The coastline of the Dingle Peninsula is teeming with marine wildlife; which includes fish, mammals,birds, plants and organisms. We have marine wildlife that live here all year wound, such as seals, gannets, our famous dolphin, Fungi, and we have annual visitors who come from as far afield as Brazil, Uruguay and Canada, to breed and feed in our temporate summer waters.The waters off the Blasket Islands are rich feeding grounds for migrating whales and dolphins.

The Dingle Peninsula has become a paradise for wildlife enthusiasts, not just because of the diverse range of wildlife we have, but for the ease of access. Wetlands and reedbeds, harbours and estuaries, sand dunes and coastal cliffs, each have their own special ecosystems and habitants.

Marine and Eco Wildlife boat tours, which sail from different parts of the peninsula are a great way to meet some of the creatures that live in the salt water of the ocean or along our coastline.

Finn Melon

Birdlife on the Dingle Peninsula

The Dingle Peninsula is one of the best birdwatching areas in Ireland, particularly famous for its seabird colonies. On a Marine Tour you can view the breathtaking cliffs below the Slea Head Drive, the Blasket Islands, the towering Cathedral Rocks of Inis na Bro, Inisvickalaun, An Tearaght, the Maherees, where tens of thousands of migrating seabirds nest during the summer months, amongst them puffins, Manx Shearwaters, Storm Petrels, Terns and Auks. Diving gannets, come from their 25000 pair strong colony on the Skellig Islands, to fish-rich feeding grounds off our coast.  The cliffs fringing the peninsula also hold good numbers of Chough and Peregrine Falcon.

Spring and Summer are great months to spot wild birds on the Peninsula, but every season brings excitment with new wildlife arriving. Each autumn birdwatchers are scouring the estuaries and bays for rare waders, and wildfowl blown across the Atlantic in storms, such as Buff-breasted Sandpipers, Lesser Yellowlegs or Pectoral Sandpipers among the hordes of other migrating waders. Winter sees the arrival of Brent Geese from Canada and winter gulls.

Marine Wildlife and Eco Tours on the Dingle Peninsula

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